SDG*Chart of Emotions

tunnesivusto suomeksi

This emotion map  helps you to find words to express your feelings.

You can  handle your inner feelings better when you find the right words for them, so the negative emotions will have less effect in the daily life. (1)

Here you can find out how SDG* Chart of Emotions is composed of 121 emotions for contrasting and categorizing them.

This education tool has been praised by both teachers and emotion researchers.


On the chart you can see  8 emotion scales, which show the progression of emotional states.

You can find the opposite emotions  on the other side of the central point and below each emotions on this larger chart.

A special edition revealing the 9 emotions appearing in the movie Inside Out 2 to be released in June 14th 2024.

Please turn your phone to the side to switch to landscape mode. Then zoom the larger chart so that you can see only 9 near emotions at a glance while sailing on the sea of emotions.


You will find short emotional expressions below every emotion.

The emotion scales and breathing rhythms seem to be connected (2).  You can watch a SlideShare presentation on their relationship. It reveals  names for those scales too.

The positive emotions are situated mainly in the upper right corner. The exhale is longer than the inhale when those emotions  dominate your mind. This has been just a hypothesis for a long time, but a new scientific study (3) supports this idea.

You can find 24 near emotions around every emotion on the simplified SDG*Chart of Emotions.

For example let´s consider the emotion “dependence”. It´s surrounded by inferiority, shame, need, affection, pleasure, connection, fascination and adaptability. Most of these emotions are familiar to a person who suffers from some sort of dependence or addiction.

 Plutchik´s Wheel  of Emotions and the SDG*Chart of Emotions, which can be presented also as a modified flower figure, have quite similar extreme emotions.  Plutchik located those at the centerpiece, but in this image you can read intense feelings on outer circles.


You can easily browse all the 121 emotions :

*First examine emotions situated on the emotion scales.

*Then you can scan all the vertical columns from down to up.

The SDG*Chart of Emotions is available in 7 languages.

More than ten peer-reviewed studies (4) resonate with it´s ball shaped structure.  The outmost emotions of this chart can be seen as near emotions to each other.

You´ll find more detailed info for using this chart and also references on the MENU bar.

Could SDG*Chart of Emotions be a topic for your master´s thesis?

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P. Gudsson

SDG stands for Soli Deo Gloria which means Glory to God only.

1) Putting feelings into words

    2) Respiratory feedback in the generation of emotion.

3) Inhalation/Exhalation ratio modulates the effect of slow breathing on heart rate variability and relaxation

4) Emotion studies supporting SDG*Chart of Emotions